Please complete and submit the form below to make a request.
For more information:
A written request must be submitted to the Right to Know Officer (RTKO) for the Erie Police Dept. The request is not officially received until it is personally delivered to the Right to Know Officer, by email, fax or when it is marked “delivered” by certified mail.
The Erie Police Dept. accepts Right to Know requests during regular business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays).

Room 111
626 State St.
Erie, PA 16501
Requestors are entitled to appeal a determination made by a City of Erie Right-to-Know Officer to the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records within fifteen (15) business days of the mailing date of the response to the request or the date the response is deemed denied. The state contact person is listed below
PA Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, 4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120